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What does a condenser do on a microphone?

Condenser Microphone Description: Functions & Benefits Explained

In this complete exploration, we delve into the intricacies of condenser microphones, their advantages, and their flexible programs inside the realm of cellular and PC recording.
by Kana Zhou | Dec 24, 2023
Image of a Maono, a high sensitivity microphone capturing detailed sound

Quelle est la sensibilité d'un microphone ?

Un aspect crucial des performances d'un microphone est sa sensibilitĂ©. Mais qu’est-ce que la sensibilitĂ© du microphone exactement et quel est son impact sur vos enregistrements ?
by Kana Zhou | Aug 31, 2023
audio knowledge

Trois éléments de la perception du son par l'oreille humaine

Le son audible qui peut ĂȘtre entendu par les oreilles humaines et ses trois Ă©lĂ©ments sont l'intensitĂ©, la hauteur et la saturation.
by Kana Zhou | Aug 23, 2023
Maono USB microphone connected using the Maono microphone software link

Trois conseils pour une bonne utilisation du microphone

Que vous soyez un prédicateur sur le podium, un préparateur de technologie audio dans les coulisses ou un spécialiste des médias en ligne, une petite compréhension du concept et des compétences né...
by Kana Zhou | Aug 03, 2023
dynamic microphones

What is the Main Difference Between Dynamic and Condenser Microphones?

The dynamic microphone is one of the major types of microphones. It is a type of microphone in which sound waves cause a movable wire or coil to vibrate in a magnetic field, thereby inducing a curr...
by Genevieve Santos | Oct 29, 2022
How to choose the right type of mic for various uses

Understanding Different Types of Microphones: Choosing the Right Type of Mic for Your Needs

Introduction to Different Types of Microphones When it comes to recording or live performances, understanding the type of mic you need is crucial. Each type of mic offers unique features tailored t...
by Genevieve Santos | Jul 24, 2022